http://www.3d-fossils.ac.uk High resolution photographs and digital models of British type fossils http://trilobites.info 2005 Golden Trilobite Award (by the Paleontological association)! Great recource devoted to understanding trilobites contains a wealth of accurate and well-synthesysed information. http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/trilobites2 YAHOO TRILOBITE CLUB. Chat room about trilobites. Trilobites around the world hang out there. http://trilobiten.de German website about trilobites. Informative forum, trilobites image gallery. http://www.geocities.com/barracudaaa/index.html Amazing trilobite web page belongs to Dr. Rudy Lerosey-Aubril. A lot of useful information about trilobites including list of articles for the last five years. Some of them with a free access! http://trilobita.de One more German web page concerning trilobites. Good and very lively forum. http://www.toyen.uio.no/palmus/schmidt/index.html Catalogue of the trilobites figured in Friedrich Schmidt’s "Revision der ostbaltischensilurischen Trilobiten" (1881-1907)