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Reed Mannil
"Upper Silurian calimenidae trilobite of the East Baltic" (in Russian and English) 1983, Talllin, Academy of science ESSR

There are descriptions of 13 calemenid species collected from different exposures and boring cores of East Baltic. Also the brief review of the development and distribution of calymenia in the Upper Ordovician was made in the article.

The importance of calemenids in the Upper Silurian of the East Baltic as compared to the Lower Silurian has increased considerably. They form more than a half of the total number of trilobite species. The greatest part…
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Andrei Dronov
"Cambrian and Ordovician of St.Petersburg region"

Very good work helps to understand the geology of saint Petersburg
region. There are detaled stratigraphic schemes and descriptions of the most famous Cambrian-Ordovician exposures were described.

The St. Petersburg region is located at the transition between the
southern slope of the Baltic shield and the northern slope of the
Moscow basin. Like northern Estonia, it belongs to Baltic shield.

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Andrej Yu. Ivantsov
"Trilobite-like arthropod from the Lower Cambrian of the Silurian platform"

The lower Cambrian Fossil-Lagerstatte at Sinsk (Sinsk Formation, Lena River, Siberia) Yields extraordinarily preserved fossils. A new trilobite-like arthropode from this site, Phytophilaspis pergamenagena gen. sp. n., is assigned to the subclass…
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